Monday, March 26, 2007

UPDATE 8.5: January 7, 2006

Anachronistic Update- Best. Friends. EVER!

Wow, this was totally overwhelming. It is my entire Santa List, down to the hand sanitizer! No pony, though. Why God? Why is there never a pony??? This is all sitting on the other care package I got the same day, a pillow from my sister and sheets and a blanket from my mom. This place is feeling more and more like home. Well, that is a complete lie, but I am more comfortable, and have a little piece of all of you with me now, and that is just as good. I’ll tell you, the first couple of days here were kinda rough and getting these before bed as my late Christmas presents on January 3rd (they were here before that, but I had nowhere to put them- you’ll see when I get to that update) put a HUGE smile on my face and I slept all the way through the night (a rare thing) with happy dreams of Baltimore.

I do have a bunch of updates in the works, but I wanted to thank all of you for your awesomeness first, even if it is not chronologically accurate.

And in honor of the passing of a legend, here is a picture I took in Georgia before I left.

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