Monday, March 26, 2007

UPDATE #7: December 25, 2006

Hello everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that I have left the US, and unfortunately my cell phone is not picking up a signal, so I would not try calling me on that anymore. I am in Frankfort, Germany, the 4th but not the last stop on my tour. I have already had a kick-ass Christmas brunch of duck and turkey and pumpkin pie and Sweet potatoes (which I have not eaten in 20 years- I guess they make them different here?) and Christmas dinner is in another 5 hours. I may have to take a jet-lag/tryptophan nap in the meantime, but I am doing well, and when I land in my next destination, I will let you know then. Bye!
-CPT Patrick Hoffman, Christmas Glutton.

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