Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Update 14 - February 1, 2007

The Horrors of War- The First Casualty Is Always Innocence

So, some people have been telling me that it seems like I have things very easy here. Well, let me disabuse you of that notion. There are many terrible burdens here that I must bear.
The terrible cold! Along with the nine or so inches of snow that got dropped on us, the coldest that I know it got to was -22 degrees Celsius. Just in case any of you have not spent large amounts of time in Europe or a science lab, that is -8 degrees Fahrenheit. When I go back to my heated B-hut at night? Sometimes I have to wear LONG PANTS!!! I mean, what are we, animals? …That wear pants?
And the heat! My God, the HEAT! I mean, you go to take a shower and the water is just so HOT! You can just barely turn the knob on the hot without it being scalding. I guess I will suffer through hot showers for the rest of the year. Geez.
The life blood of any good soldier is of course, coffee. It used to be an occasional thing for me, and now it is a hard-core habit. However, out here in the boonies, we lack the Holy Grail of java that most of you probably take for granted because you see it in every strip mall and bookstore- Starbucks. Instead, we are stuck with some kind of second-rate place called Green Bean coffee. Don't they know that coffee beans are BROWN? I mean, come on!
It does not stop there! Even my favorite hobbies have not escaped unscathed. When Harry Potter 7 comes out, not only will I have to wait for it to get shipped overseas, they may not let me call in sick so I can read it all in one shot! Have they no souls? Pause the war! And when football is on, I am 9.5 hours ahead, so the Conference Championships started at 2330 (11:30pm). I had to stay up the whole night to watch football on the big screen TV at the rec center. And no wings or beer! What do they think I am watching, cricket?
Speaking of food, they told us that every Friday is supposed to be Steak and Lobster night. But is it? Noooooo! It is steak and crab legs. They said there would be lobster. But then there was no lobster! Why wasn't there any lobster? Whyyyyy????? [sobs] (PS- Thank you all for going to work and paying taxes so I can eat this well. The next thing they are installing is a Chipotle. No, not really. If they did, I might never leave.)
And the final straw. Today was Sunday. And we did not get a half day. It… it is almost too much to take. It is so terrible even the birds won't stay.
I am going to try to marshal my strength and make it through the rest of the day. My only hope? Maybe this Friday they will have lobster... maybe.

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