Monday, March 26, 2007

UPDATE 10: January 7, 2006

Update 10- Pat Invades Germany: Just Like Your Grandfather Did, But With 90% Less Nazis. (a.k.a. National Army’s European Vacation)

So, the trip started on Christmas Eve. What better way to make the whole thing as depressing as possible than to pick that day to send us.

This giant scrap metal penguin graces the international terminal of Atlanta Airport, where I flew from to go to Frankfort, Germany. This was my sendoff along with one lady who asked us if we were in the military and where we were going. When we told her, she said thank you. Awww. We had to travel with our weapons, and of course you have to declare them, but I did not want to just yell it out. So, I decided to just whisper to the ticket agent, “I have a gun!” For some reason, security swarmed me and shot me a little, but then it was all cleared up. Thanks, TSA and bye, America!

We arrived in Frankfort and took a bus to Hanau just in time for Christmas Dinner- I know it does not look like much, but it was totally awesome.

German beer in Germany- you have to love the irony of me drinking a German Franziskaner beer while wearing a Miller Lite t-shirt. BSSC forever!

More evidence that frolf is the greatest sport ever! Even in the most random parts of Germany, there it is. It was just three baskets in the middle of a field, but that is how it always begins. We’ll see Germany competing in the 2020 Olympics in Freestyle Frolf, bet on it!

My digs in Hanau, Germany. Looks about the same as everywhere else, no? That’s the Army for you.

Who farted? Hee. Fart jokes are funny.

Duffel Shuffle- This is a picture of me with all my stuff packed up and ready to go, about 275 pounds of it. I will be lucky if I make it to Afghanistan without tearing my rotator cuff slinging it around. Off to the Ramstein Airport! Du Hast Meche!

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