Tuesday, March 27, 2007

UPDATE 11: January 12, 2006

The Trip Part 2- Kuwait to Afghanistan

So, Kuwait, which can get up to something like 140 degrees in the summer is totally cold in December. I truly pity anyone that lives here with those kinds of extremes. This is not meant to be a political statement about extremes in climate resulting in political extremists, I assure you.

It was not as cold as Afghanistan is, as you will see, but still. Actually, our good timing continued in that we arrived the day Saddam was hung, like, within hours of it. Surely, there will be no backlash from this. Well, at least there is McDonalds to ease my worries. At least, that is what I THINK it says.

This is in Kuwait, with my body armor on, getting ready to board our plane to Afghanistan. If it seems like I skipped over a lot, that is because I basically got there, ate McDonalds just for the novelty of it, and fell asleep for 7 hours. Then we sat in a hangar and waited for a plane. However, that is an M-16 in the case I am holding, and that tent where we stayed overnight in the background is one of like, a THOUSAND that make up the base where you fly in and out of. I am sure I will pass through here when I am on my way back to the States for vacation (yes, you get vaca from war) and when I come home for good.

This is on a C-17 cargo plane on the way to Afghanistan. Mark is already asleep with his noise-cancelling headphones on. That may be one of the smartest investments I have seen, as the plane just roars the whole way. It is not so much about comfort on these things. This is also demonstrated by the bathroom having a big sign on it that said “Ground Use Only”, so, no peeing in-flight. Boo to the thousands of bottles of water they had sitting around in Kuwait! Only three more hours….

Yes, that is a giant bulldozer strapped in behind the passenger seats on the C-17. This is why I sat in one of the seats on the side of the plane as you saw in the last picture, so if it cut loose, I would NOT be crushed horribly.

My feet, which will soon be on the ground in Afghanistan.