Thursday, April 12, 2007

Milestone!- April 12, 2007

This is for the sabremetricians and countdown timers out there.

So, April 10th was my 100th day in Afghanistan. I have been gone from home for 158 days.

As of today, the 12th, I have 60 days left until I come home on vacation. Or, 1453 hours. Or, 87,200 minutes. Or, 5 million seconds, give or take.


Gluckzilla said...
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Gluckzilla said...

You know, presidents are often judged by their actions in the first 100 days of office. Based on what you've written, here's your highlights.

1) Broken a colleague's face in a non-contact football game. Seriously.

2) Turned on a television set (unfortunately you've never done that to a woman)

3) Shaved your head in your bid to became chair of the Afghanistan chapter of the Britney Spears fan club.

4) Built a snowman...with boobs

Well, that's more than I've done in the past 100 days. Can't wait to see you in 60. (I miss you so much it hurts sometimes.)

Laura said...

"Isabella, this is the man you'll be competing with for your father's love."