Tuesday, April 3, 2007


So there I am at breakfast, and all of a sudden the coffee in my cup starts sloshing about. I tell the person I am there with to stop shaking the table. He is not. In fact, my chair is kind of shaking too. And the walls. And everything. Was that a quiet plane flying low (actually, that happens here from time to time and shakes things right off the walls... not quietly, of course)? Are some people outside pushing on the walls of the building? Everything here is kind of flimsy, so that is not too ridiculous of a thought. Nope, it was an earthquake! Forgive me for my foolish suggestions, because this was the first time I had ever been in one, so I really had no idea what it was at the time.


Here is the info on it. Apparently what I felt was about a 3.0 or so. Stine is probably commenting that that should have barely ruffled my sundress, so let me respond that I am not saying it was anything bad, just... very odd. Definitely nothing I have experienced before. I will hold off on calling it totally cool until I hear if anyone got hurt. Hmm, I don't have any pictures to go along with this post. Let me see if I have any that are taken out the window of a moving car on a bumpy road...


Dennis said...

3.0? Did all the Chinese jump at once? Watch out for a sand tsumani.

Maybe you should check again!


Patrick said...

6.2 was the epicenter. 3.0 is the estimated feel for my location, according to the website.

Gluckzilla said...

Getting your sundress ruffled wasn't bad...just odd? Nice to know the Army is treating you well and keeping your innocence intact Patricia.

Megan Jean said...

I hope nothing happens to ruffle your Easter dress on Sunday... no one wants to see your little white bloomers. With ruffles.

Laura said...

have you started to regret giving us the ability to leave comments yet Pat?

Patrick said...

No, but this IS why I do not share this blog with current coworkers. No need to give them MORE ammo.

Stine said...

Apparently I am way behind in checking blog updates. Lucky for me that Pat took care of the insults.

If the earthquakes keep up, perhaps sippy-cups will be in order to prevent coffee spillage.