Sunday, April 8, 2007

Just call me Dilbert.

To catch up those who do not know what my job is here, I make sure that the computers and communications systems work for the couple of hundred people I work with. This often gets extended into anything that runs on electricity (copiers, shredders, cameras) but one that makes sense is the Video Teleconferences (VTCs) we have here, all the time. So, these sometimes have technical difficulties- the picture freezes up, the call does not go through and so I come over and fix it, or call someone that can fix it. Yesterday was one of these times.

"Why is the VTC not working?"

"I... I don't know yet, let me check."

I walk over, getting chewed out the whole way. I arrive to a room full of people looking at a black TV screen. I press POWER. The screen immediately filled with other people wondering why we were talking, but not responding to what they were saying. Yes, the TV... was off. Now, some would call me a hero. Some would call me a jerk. I prefer to just be called "Dilbert."


Gluckzilla said...

You should tell them: "When you speak of this, and I know you will, can I be shirtless? I think it would be so much more impressive if I were shirtless?"

Cori said...

Wow, and I thought my coworkers were dumb. At least now I know I have someone who understands my frustration about working with a bunch of monkeys!

Carrie said...

I must share my experience in being Dilbert.

I arrive at work and am called into my boss' office... the dialog was something like this:

Boss: My stapler doesn't work.
Me: Is it out of staples?
Boss: No. I just put new staples in it. Can you get me a new one?
Me: Let me check it first.

I proceed to inspect the stapler and find my boss (who by the way has a Ph.D.) has inserted the staples upside down.

Not sure what it takes to earn a Ph.D., but I am pretty sure he never had to use a stapler to get the degree.

Stine said...

The television isn't broken, it's just unplugged... Bomp chicka chicka bomp bomp

Patrick said...

It is a good thing your boss was not missing his stapler. He might have burned the place down. Was it a red Swingline?