Monday, January 28, 2008

No Dogs Allowed In The Cat Area!

As Stine pointed out, if that is not true the other way around, then that is just discriminatory, although one cat in the dog area might be a solidly traumatized feline.

Yes, we went to the Pet Expo in Timonioum this weekend, and it was awesome. From the doggie agility drills to the wee turtles, it was just a fun time. There was a miniature horse demonstration with a tiny chariot and tiny obstacles to jump over. Plus, the MC on the mike? Was totally mean to her demonstrators. At one point she definitely said "Sometimes it is the horse you have to train, and sometimes it is the trainer." But like, all nasty. I don't know, maybe you had to be there. On the plus side? Adorable golden retrievers (and every other kind of dog you could imagine)!

Also awesome? They had plates of nachos the size of a Newfoundland's head. See?

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