Monday, September 10, 2007

US Army- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

Hee hee. And below is me receiving what I like to call a Certificate of Respiration from a 4 star General. It is really a Certificate of Appreciation, but it was given to just about everyone that has managed to keep breathing, so meh.I know it has been a really long time since my last update, so I hope no one was worried. It is just that if I thought I was busy before, now it is about triple. Apparently I did something right once so they decided to see just how many things I can handle all at once. As of one day next week, I will be: Acting Commander, Acting Executive Officer, Communications Officer, and project lead on three major operations. I should have known this would happen if I kept telling them how awesome I am.

Also, I have been traveling a bunch too. Here is a picture out the tailgate of a Chinook helicopter that I took a flight on. (I am aware the date stamp is wrong.) That guy is the tail gunner, and he is strapped in with a belt. The other picture is what a Chinook looks like from the outside. To give you an idea of how big it is, that is a Humvee it is picking up.

Our flight was really early in the morning, and then takeoff got delayed, so I actually ended up sleeping on the runway itself while they were prepping the helicopter for the flight. But not to worry, I got to the choppah.

Hope to hear from you soon! -Pat


Stine said...

You should feel good about the Certificate of Appreciation. It clearly falls into #3 of the previously posted 9 step program (cause the Army is efficient enough to cut the fat out of 12 step programs.) Setting a goal of "Staying Alive" AND following through on that goal is worthy of an award.

BTW, did you try to get the tail gunner to say "Easy, you just lead them less"?

Steve said...

Adam's right. You should've gotten the tail-gunner to say that!

Now, the big question is, did you get a coin yet? If not, I'm SO going to slap mine out for a drink. hehe.

Unknown said...

Wow! A 4 banger Certificate of Appreciation. That's sort of like getting a coaster from the Vice President, isn't it? Did you ask him for kick ball equipment? C'mon, you're lying...I know you did

Patrick said...

You are going to slap out WHAT? Gross. I will buy you a beer if you DON'T do that.