Saturday, July 28, 2007

How Is Being In The Army Like Being A Little Kid?

First, as a kid, you don't get a lot of choice about... well, about much of anything, really. You are going to be told what to wear (UNIFORM), when to get up (MORNING FORMATION) and what to eat (CHOW HALL). You have to make your bed and clean your room (INSPECTIONS.)

If your family is going on vacation somewhere you do not want to go, (DEPLOYMENT) you don't really get much of an option about saying no. Few families are going to go to Afghanistan or Iraq, but the rule is still the same, and the only way you are getting out of it is to do a really good job pretending to be sick. This actually happens more than you might think. Faking a stomachache and licking your palms to make them clammy will probably not cut it. Also, they may send you to the doctors who are about as effective as the School Nurse used to be. You get two options- Motrin and Robitussin. If those can't fix you, you weren't meant to be fixed.

Actually, one of the biggest similarities has to do with how they punish you. First, they might just yell at you and any backtalk will just make it worse. (Choke yourself!) Thankfully in the Army there is generally not a wooden spoon involved (Mom, I am looking in your direction.) But let's say you really get in trouble and they bring you up on charges. At the lowest level, they can give you extra duty, where, after work you have to come back and clean common areas, paint walls or buildings or rocks, or whatever other ideas your temporary jailer comes up with. Kids know this as EXTRA CHORES. Also, they can take a part of your monthly pay. Did any of you ever LOSE YOUR ALLOWANCE for being bad? Does this all sound terribly familiar? Plus, if things are really bad, and you are making things worse by just being around, you may be restricted to quarters, aka GROUNDED.

On the positive side of things, as a kid they do give out shiny things when you do a good job like Gold Stars. This does not end when you enter the military- they have medals!

I think that this should be the next recruiting campaign for the Army. I think it will be especially effective for those who are nostalgic for their childhoods. What do you think?


Unknown said...

Maybe that's why the Army is recruiting recruiters - too many people have no desire to relive their childhood. Right now, the U.S. of A is so far behind on their recruiting goals that they put out a special Department of the Army message and have recalled former recruiters from AMC and have sent them to various areas as "Mobile Recruiting Teams" to help round up more children. Wait a few months and the recruiting goals will be "revised" once more. Now, does this sound like being sent next door to help Johnny mow the grass and paint the fence??

georgeconfused said...

They're recalling recruiters from American Movie Classics. Well, they do show the Longest Day and Force 10 from Navarone. That kind of makes sense.

Laura said...

Maybe the army needs to include some training on the definitions of sarcasm and humor b/c apparently someone missed it. Just a thought. (not you George)

georgeconfused said...

Has anyone sent Pat a bootleg copy of the Simpson's movie yet or Transformers? If there answer is no, we so owe him a parade.