Thursday, November 22, 2007

See you soooooon!

Wonderful news! Barring anything truly ridiculous, I will be home by Christmas! Yay! The replacement me is on the way here (but let's be honest, who could ever replace me?) and we are making the arrangements to come back to the states. I will still have to go through Kuwait and Fort Benning, GA again, so I don't have an exact date, but I do know it will be after the middle of the month, but before Christmas.

One note, I will not be here all that much longer, so if anyone has any more mail to send, if it is not on the way already, I would just hold onto it so I do not pass by it in transit. Now if I can just find some way to send this land mine home as a souvenir...


Steve O'Connor said...

That's great, Pat. You must be really excited. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

P.S. Sorry we never made it to Afghanistan on our travels but after Morocco we needed a little break. ;) Maybe Qatar next time though.

Kelly & Steve

gochisholmsgo said...


And let me be one of the first to wish you a happy birthday! ... um, so yeah, happy birthday.

georgeconfused said...


Now, after all of these months, you'll be able to insult Pat in person.


So when do we all get together to help you reassimilate into American culture? Things to read up on between now and then: American Idol, internal combustion engines, The Hoff. Let me know if you have any questions. Oh, and the H3, almost forgot about that one, but I'd say The Hoff is the most important of all 4.

Stine said...

And your final job before leaving was Land Mine Tester?

Gluckzilla said...

Land mine tester is better than sticky grenade tester. Go get 'em buddy!