Thursday, January 10, 2008

Well, it's official.

You are...J.D.
A.K.A. "The Dork"

Hello? Yoo-hoo! Hi! Say, have you been tested for Attention Deficit Disorder? You've got your head in the clouds, my friend, but it helps make you a more interesting person. Your friends may think you're a bit of a dork, and you may make the wrong decisions on occasion, but you're a sweet, happy person who's on the right track in life. You may want to hire a bodyguard,'re the type to attract stalkers.

Yeah, I guess I should have seen that coming. Anyone else want to share their results?


Steve said...

Is this so wrong?

You are...Carla
A.K.A. "The Spicy Firecracker"

You possess a compassion for, and are fiercely protective of, those around you and tend to make friends easily, despite your sometimes bossy and judgmental attitude. But you're just trying to help and advise, right? In spite of your best intentions, sometimes your help isn't well-received...and sometimes it's not even acknowledged at all. For all life's shortcomings, you live a pretty charmed one. Enjoy it!

georgeconfused said...

There must be something wrong with that test, because it told me I'm Turk. I think Turk is awesome, but cool is something I've never been.

maggie said...

i'm carla- bitchy yet helpful. that's pretty accurate, actually.

here's a fun one for the office:
i was a pam/kelly hybrid there.

Patrick said...

Yep, those all sound about right. When I think Steve, I think firecracker.

Steve said...

Shocking enough I was JD. With my bouts of rage these days I thought I would have fit Cox or Janitor.....